IPG 2015 | EnCOre

A IPG investigation into the applications of
Open Data to facilitate Industrial Symbiosis &
Re-utilisation of CO2

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Interactive Data Explorer

Navigate manually through the datatable to find the data points that interest you most. Here you can search for the CO2 Quantity, its Concentration, Capturability, by Country and many other characteristics.

By clicking the "Action" button to the far right of a data point you can find its location on the interactive map.

Interactive Map

The interactive map allows you to find the physical location of all of our data points, whilst being able to manipulate their size and colour depending on your preference. This helps you quickly identify the most relevant points on the map for your self.

By clicking a point on the map, you are able to learn more about the specific industry and facility at that point.

CO2 Explorer

The CO2 Explorer helps you navigate through the
interactive map t help you find what you are looking for.

Custom Search

Change the colour and size of the points on the map according to your preference to help you navigate the data.


On load the interactive map represents the quality in colour and quantity by size of the points on the map.


The graphs show the range of CO2 quality variation across all industries.


Sub Heading

About Us

Maarten Bruinsma studies Industrial Ecology and focuses on sustainable urbanism and housing in combination with Life Cycle Assessment. He has joined the EnCOre IPG project due to his interest in alternative applications of databases and because he seeks to explore different fields of Industrial Ecology.

Chief Editor

Jorinde Vernooij is studying Industrial ecology with a focus on integrated community renewable energy systems and life cycle assessments. Jorinde participates in the EnCore IPG project to enhance her understanding of visualizing complex technological innovations in the field of CO2 utilization.

Data Analyst & Qualitative Research 

Markolf von Ketelhodt is a student assistant at the Centre for Innovation of Leiden University, Campus The Hague. He is also
pursuing a Master's degree in Industrial Ecology at
Leiden University & TU Delft.

Web & Tool Development

William Van den Broeck studies Industrial Ecology. He has a particular interest in bio- and circular economy. With this EnCOre IPG project he wants to improve his insight in Industrial Symbiosis and data analysis.

William Van den Broeck
Data Analyst

Kimberley Tjon-Ka-Jie studies Industrial Ecology and has an interest in renewable energy, smart grids and waste processing. She has joined this EnCOre IPG project as she is keen on learning more about data processing and because she realizes the importance of this tool which can be used to induce Industrial Symbiosis.

Data Analyst & Qualitative Research